It’s called Babyrustle. Inspired (I just made it up in lack of inspiration) but essentially cos I spend lots of time, all my time, with a baby and sometimes other people. Which was not something I had expected to do in my life. Anyway, she is great and she loves music and lots of different music. she used to bite me when she was very little and upset at night and then I put on music to stop myself from going crazy. It helped both of us.
(the thing is uploading as i’m writing and its taking ages.)
So instead of listening to classical music which I was forced to listen to till i basically moved out, she listened to Scottish music at start (bagpipes) and nightcore and german punk and ..
She doesn’t like everything sometimes she screams, but in generel she stands up and dances around the bed.
These are some of her favourites and mine, too.