Time to count! Here is a little selection of songs that are not in 4:4. I have been fortunate enough to see quite a lot of these acts live in the last couple of years and can highly recommend checking them out for the day when live music returns. The easiest to see are probably the group JZ Replacement who are a London based duo, if you like drumming then it is absolutely mind blowing.
The playlist has sort of got three sections: World, Rock and then Jazzier stuff at the end.
Pause for a moment of anecdotes. The playlist arose when I was listening to Led Zep Houses of the Holy in bed and the Crunge came on and I thought “wait a minute! This is some pretty funky time signature going on.” Then I remember teaching my friend Jelly about music at The Zappanale festival in Germany, it turns out it is not the easiest place to learn about harmony and rhythm. Then there was the Sunday of Emma and Barns wedding when me and lukey were attempting to play some background music. One of the songs was a Bulgarian tune (in the list) and Mr Pelly was there trying to clap along. But sometimes life is a little odd and you cant just keep on doing the normal.
So here we go, I hope you enjoy…it gets weirder as it goes on so feel free to drop out when ever you are bored and for the music geeks have fun counting.
Thank you for all the music so far,
Lots of love,