Greetings Myxeurs! I’m back for another slot, but this time I’m different. I’ve seen the love that our glorious leader piles on his beloved Mixcloud crew and if I could get even a microdose of that I’d be tripping on fluffy clouds of love for eons. I am expecting a formal welcome pack, complete with a badge that I can sew on to my towel next to my Kitekat level 1 gymnastics for completing a roly-poly.
Rather like my attempts at roly-polys this Myx is rough and ready but enthusiastic. I never really learnt how to mix in the first place and there are several parts of this offering that make me cringe a little, but hopefully my efforts don’t detract from the tunes too much. Ultimately the welcome arrival of my first child during lockdown rather got in the way of my plans to become a prodigiously talented DJ, but I’m getting better slowly!
For tune selection I’ve gone for what I’d like to hear at a festival, on the beach somewhere warm, as the sun is setting. Myxfest 2021 anyone?