On average two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week in England and Wales.
On average the UK police receive over 100 calls relating to domestic abuse every hour.
In the UK 20% of women and 4% of men report having experienced some type of sexual assault since the age of 16, that’s 3.4 million female victims and 631,000 male victims in the UK.
Domestic violence happens everywhere; if you or someone you know is affected call the National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247, they’re open 24/7.
Or call the police 999.
These last few weeks I’ve been the doctor at the clinic for rape victims here in Stockholm. And a trend has become apparent to me; a trend of victims laying the blame on themselves and not believing that going to the police will result in anything. By a huge majority my patients have been women, and it’s made me really angry that I have a bigger risk of being raped simply because I was born with a vagina. So I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand why that is? Now I don’t claim to know but I think maybe inequality and lack of power in society has something to do with it. It’s hard to scream if you believe you have no voice.
But what does this have to do with Myxomatapesis? As music consumers we have a responsibility and the power to demand more equality.
Of the top 100 Billboard tracks from 2012-2017, of 1239 performing artists, 22.4% were female. Of the 899 individuals who have been nominated in the last six Grammy ceremonies, 90.7 percent were men and 9.3 percent were women.
So I tallied up the 287 tracks stated in the track lists of Myxomatapesis. Of those 12% were by only female performers, 66% by only male performers.
I have therefore decided to give you a playlist with only female artists. And to up the new music factor I’ve only included Swedish ones.
Stay safe. And remember, you have a voice and the right to be heard.
- Office for National Statistics, Crime Statistics, Focus on Violent Crime and Sexual Offences, Year ending March 2016, Chapter 2: Homicide
- HMIC, Increasingly everyone’s business: A progress report on the police response to domestic abuse (Published online: HMIC, 2015), p. 28
- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/25/arts/music/music-industry-gender-study-women-artists-producers.html