You know how when you’re driving through a stunning, mountainous landscape and you hit a tunnel and very suddenly everything turns into the final scene of 2001 for a moment. Natural wonder transforms to a trippy pulsing of the lights completely at odds with what you’ve been just been experiencing. Well, here’s a road trip activity that I have been entertaining my road trip pals with ever since I was just a young Chad.
First off, no music is allowed for this portion of the road trip unless it is part of the tunnel experience. It allows you to really just soak in the natural wonder making the juxtaposition of the tunnels all the more extreme.
When you know a tunnel is coming up you have to get your song queued up to the perfect place and turn up the volume real loud. Then the instant you enter the tunnel you hit play and WHAM you’re having a natural DMT trip for a few moments. Be prepared to stop it the instant you leave the tunnel so you are returned to nature immediately.
This really turns the drive into nothing but anticipation for that next tunnel. What’s he gonna hit me with next?? Of course music selection is key here. The songs must match the transformative nature of the experience. No folk, no ballads. This is a playlist to help get you started.
The only tricky part is queueing up the song without letting them hear what is coming up. There’s a lot of disconnecting and reconnecting and putting on headphones and taking them off again. I’m sure there’s an app idea here. If there are any app designers in the group DM me and let’s get rich!